I have code that worked under SQLAlchemy 1.4 but recently upgraded to 2. I 
am using the add_columns() method to add columns to an existing SQL 
statement. The resultant queries sometimes, but not always, crash. I 
believe the issue happens when the schema/database name (I'm using MySQL) 
starts with a number. When the schema name starts with a letter, the result 
runs fine. However, when it starts with a number, the query double-quotes 
the schema name, causing the query to crash.

Here is an example...
My code: *sql = sql.add_columns(self.tbl.c[field])*

When the schema holding self.tbl.c[field] starts with a letter 
(c6961a19b7ed031ce902f056c725b3e3), the following SQL is generated:

*SELECT NULL AS "Application Id", NULL AS "First Name", NULL AS "Last 
Name", NULL AS "Email", 
FROM c6961a19b7ed031ce902f056c725b3e3.t_31392eb2e6980f4d5082b7861182f2b4*

However, when the schema name starts with a number 
(283ac7717fe770c5ed6d425c0c739cba), the following SQL results:

*SELECT NULL AS "Application Id", NULL AS "First Name", NULL AS "Last 
Name", NULL AS "Email", 
FROM "283ac7717fe770c5ed6d425c0c739cba".t_59a33cbea3617986d810e9fbae60ba19*

Note the double quotes around the schema name. This second SQL crashes as 
invalid. Back quotes (`) would probably work fine in this situation, and 
could be helpful, but double quotes (") are, I think, the cause of my 

Is there some parameter or assumption that I'm not understanding, or did I 
find a bug?

Thank you!

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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