Hi everyone,
I'd like to issue a LIMIT for a DELETE statement.
By default, this is not possible as far as I can see it. The function 
limit() is available for SELECT in general however. 
Searching through documentation, I found a reference to 
Which points to 
claiming the function to be available in UpdateBase (although the 
documentation off given the claimed method is not callable like 
documented). This was the case in 1.4 
already and also in 2.0 

However, trying to call it as per documentation results in an exception 
being raised:
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Argument 'mysql_limit' is not accepted by 
dialect 'mysql' on behalf of <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.dml.Delete'>
This is caused by 
not listing sql.Delete explicitly. UpdateBase apparently cannot be 
referenced either given the import (guessing as it's not imported 
explicitly in 
or not referenced another way?).
However, by adding Delete just like Update will have the following line run 
fine without an error - but not adding the LIMIT either. My best guess 
right now would be due to the lack of limit clause handling?
stmt = stmt.with_dialect_options(mysql_limit=limit, mariadb_limit=limit)
where `limit` simply is an integer.

Any hints or help is appreciated. I can also raise a ticket on Github :)

Best regards

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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