Hello, guys!
I have a simple code, which not correct work
He throw error if i try sort items by @hybrid_property

*My version of entity class:*
class Product(Base) : 

    __tablename__ = 'products'

    Id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    TitleTranslit = Column('title_translit', String)
    Title = Column('title', String)
    Description = Column('description', String)
    CurrentPrice = Column('current_price', Integer)
    OldPrice = Column('old_price', Integer)
    CategoryId = Column('category_id', Integer, ForeignKey('categories.id'))
    Characteristics:List[ProductCharacteristic] = 
    Reviews:List[ProductReview] = relationship('ProductReview', 
primaryjoin="and_(ProductReview.ProductId==Product.Id)", lazy='joined')
    Images:List[ProductImage] = relationship('ProductImage', 
primaryjoin="and_(ProductImage.ProductId==Product.Id)", lazy='joined')
    NumberOfViews = Column('number_of_views', Integer)

    def Rating(self) : 
        result = 0
        reviewsCount = len(self.Reviews)
        if (reviewsCount > 0) :
            for review in self.Reviews :
                result += review.Rating
            result = result / reviewsCount
        return result

*My version of call sort event by @hybrid_property:*
filteredProductsQuery = self._sessionService.DBContext.query(Product)\

        if sortType == SortType.HighestRate.value : 
            filteredProductsQuery = 

*Throwed error if i try execute this query:*
TypeError: object of type 'InstrumentedAttribute' has no len()

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