Hello everyone,
I have encountered an odd behavior when using URL-encoded tokens as 
passwords for connections with Postgres; my application connects to a 
Postgres AWS RDS instance using a token that expires (IAM Authentication 
Specifically, if I set `cparams['password']` to a URL-encoded value in the 
`do_connect` event, the connection fails. However, it succeeds if the value 
isn't URL encoded. This seems inconsistent with how the engine handles 
URL-encoded values. Is this the intended behavior ?
If not, would the team be open to a PR that calls `unquote` on the 
`cparams['password'] when it's changed to ensure consistency ? 
Here is a minimal example to illustrate the issue:

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, event, text
from urllib.parse import quote

*# Assume there is a db user `test` with some initial tokenPOSTGRES_HOST = 
'localhost'PORT = '5432'USERNAME = 'test'NEW_PASSWORD = '%2FH'engine1 = 
echo=True)@event.listens_for(engine1, 'do_connect')def 
receive_do_connect(dialect, conn_rec, cargs, cparams):    # This doesn't 
work.    cparams['password'] = quote(NEW_PASSWORD)with engine1.connect() as 
connection:    connection.execute(text('SELECT 1;'))engine2 = 
echo=True)@event.listens_for(engine2, 'do_connect')def 
receive_do_connect(dialect, conn_rec, cargs, cparams):    # This works    
cparams['password'] = NEW_PASSWORDwith engine2.connect() as connection:    
connection.execute(text('SELECT 1;'))*

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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