Hi ,
The example that you have given highlight an the issue well, but that issue is not 
about locking .  That issue is about data retention and how to deal with updated rows. 
Your user B may have a form with the data displayed on their screen then some time 
later after use A has delete the row user b might try to modify it.  The time between 
User B retrieving the row then user A deleting the row and finally user B updating the 
row might be minutes or hours.  In any case the issue is the same an update command is 
issued on a row that doesn't exist.

A simple solution and one you should always do in a multi-user system is try and 
retrieve the PK before issuing the delete.  You would also wrap this in a transactions.
So in your example  The row in question has a PK column called ID and a value of 2

the command from User B would be (lots of b's here)

Begin transaction
select count(*) from tableName where ID = 2  
if count is equal to one then 
   update tablename set 333,.  where ID = 2
    return some message back to user say the row has been deleted 
end the if
commit transaction

There is also another issue you need to consider in a multi-user system.  If User A 
was updating the row not deleting then User B may over write User A changes.  In this 
situation other DB system have columns designated as Timestamps (I know MS SQL has)  . 
 Every time a row is updated the system updates the timestamp column automatically.  
Then the process is simply to compare the timestamp and if they are the same then no 
changes have taken place.  If the differ then warn the users someone else has changed 
the row and ask what they want to do.  SQLite doesn't have this timestamp concept .  
(it would be great to have it, hidden like the ROWID column)  so you should be 
comparing every column in the row to the original values the user has and then if they 
are the same update otherwise ask a question.
so an update becomes

Begin transaction
select count(*) from tableName where ID = 2  and col1 = 'orginalcol1data' and 
col2='orginalcol2data',...  and so on
if count is equal to one then 
   update tablename set 333,.  where ID = 2
    return some message back to user say the row has been updated by someone else
end the if
commit transaction

The SQL_Busy issue is just one of when the command was issued the database was locked 
(this needs to be handled as described in my first email)  this other issue is more 
important to you in a multi user system (and it more generic it happens on all DB 

Greg O

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Volodomanov 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [sqlite] Checking the busy state

  Thank you Greg,

  But I think that you've implemented a different behavior than what I'm looking for 
(or please correct me if I'm wrong!).

  What happens if the user modifies the row that a second user has placed a query for? 
For example, user A access the db first and deletes one row, at the same time user B 
tried to modify that row, but had to wait because A is working with the db. After A 
deleted the row, the db is released and B's query to modify a now-deleted row is sent. 
I would rather just give a message to the user that the db is locked and ask him to 
come back later than to wait and process that query. And I wish to update user B's db 
display after A has finished working with the db (I'm thinking of using mailslots for 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Greg Obleshchuk 
    To: Dennis Volodomanov 
    Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:40 AM
    Subject: Re: [sqlite] Checking the busy state

    Hi Dennis,
    I have just done some work on this.  Take a look at this wiki page 

    The lock is only help while updating.  If you follow the instructions in the above 
    Updates in transactions

    and you add a loop like the one in the solution then actual SQLITE_BUSY situation 
should be reduced to a bare minimum.

    You approach of using a secondary table to write to and see is not the best 
approach because if the write works there is no guarantee that the write to your 
primary table will work (someone might get in and still lock it)

    Yet an update in a transaction if fails will rollback. So the code could look 
something like

    begin transaction

    while not sqlite_busy and retries count not reached
        update table
        increase a retries counter
        if sqlite_busy delay for some time (10ms)

    if not sqlite_busy then commit transaction else rollback transaction

    Greg O
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Dennis Volodomanov 
      Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:07 AM
      Subject: [sqlite] Checking the busy state


      I would like to check for the state of the database before letting the user 
change any values, because it's on a LAN and could be in use by another machine, but 
how can I do that without issuing a sqlite_exec() that would attempt to write 
something and then checking for the SQLITE_BUSY? Is there any way except that?

      If I understand correctly, I can set up a one-row table for that purpose and 
before each modification try to write to it and see what the return is? But will I get 
a SQLITE_BUSY if another table is being used? Does SQLite lock the entire database 
when it works with it or just one table? I read the explanation of SQLITE_LOCKED, but 
it didn't answer my question - as I understood it, it means if I screw up somehow then 
it's issued?

      Thank you in advance,


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