On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:52:14PM -0600, Scott Lamb wrote:
> Otherwise, you can do it in this limited situation with a kludgy query, 
> something like:
> select    people.id,
>           people.first,
>           people.last,
>           home.phone as home,
>           cell.phone as cell,
>           work.phone as work,
>           fax .phone as fax
> from      people
>           left join phones as home (people.id = home.id)
>           left join phones as work (people.id = work.id)
>           left join phones as cell (people.id = cell.id)
>           left join phones as fax  (people.id = fax .id);

Thanks, Scott -

This does exactly what I want, with the changes:

...from people
        left join phones as home ON people.id=home.id ...


I'm all ears for better ideas :-)

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