I've send it two times, I'm sending it again, cause it's realy problem ::(,
I hope somebody could know the answer....

> Really nobody knows? it's serious problem to me...
> Brona
> >
> > Hi,
> > I've got a problem. I'm accessing the database from two separate
> > connection,
> > one connection perform CREATE TABLE (DROP TABLE) statement and then the
> > second is performing 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE
> type="table";',
> > this causes the SQLITE_SCHEMA (17) error, I've read the
> > documentation, where
> > is written:
> > "When the database first opened, SQLite reads the database schema into
> > memory and uses that schema to parse new SQL statements. If
> > another process
> > changes the schema, the command currently being processed will
> > abort because
> > the virtual machine code generated assumed the old schema. This is the
> > return code for such cases. Retrying the command usually will clear the
> > problem."
> > I've retried the statement, I've retried it for 20 times with 0,1
> > sec delay
> > between each query but always with the same result:SQLITE_SCHEMA, what
> > should I do? reconnecting the database is the worst option I have, so
> > looking for some else.
> > I paste the code here (it's in Delphi, but I hope it helps).
> >
> >   repeat
> >     inc (cnt);
> >     AResult.Clear;
> >     ANames:=TStringList.Create;
> >     AValues:=TStringList.Create;
> >     res:=pssqlite_compile(ASQLite,ASQL,tail,pvsql,Err);
> >     if res=cSQLITE_OK then
> >     begin
> >       res:=pssqlite_step(pvsql,ANames,AValues);
> >       while res=cSQLITE_ROW do
> >       begin
> >         if ANames.Count=1 then AResult.Add(PSSQL2PasStr(AValues[0]));
> >         res:=pssqlite_step(pvsql,ANames,AValues);
> >       end;
> >     end;
> >     ANames.free;
> >     AValues.free;
> >     res2:=pssqlite_finalize(pvsql,Err);
> >     if res2=17 then sleep(100);
> >     OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('%d',[res2])));
> >   until (((res=cSQLITE_OK) or (res=cSQLITE_DONE)) and  (res2=0)) or
> > (cnt=20);
> >
> >
> > Brona
> >
> >
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