
I'm creating a tasks management DB in SqLite.
It should be used  from ODBC clients as ell as from native SqLite GUIs
(SqLitePlus, DbManager, custom Python apps).

I looked for info on the web regarding the best choice for storing dates and

Choice is not evident.

Should I use  SQL_DATE or DATE for type ?

DataEntry via native SqLite GUIs gives strings correctly interpreted in
SqLite world, but not in ODBC (Access 2000).

DataEntry via ODBC Access 2000 gives strings correctly interpreted in SqLite

I guess that entering OdbcDateStrings like {ts '2001-10-10 12:58:00'} or
{'2001-10-10 12:58:00'} via native SqLite GUIs would gives strings
correctly interpreted by Odbc driver , but these strings are not comfortable
to enter in aSQLITE adm GUI like SqLitePlus or DbManager.

Do you have best practices or infos about that ?

Is the Roadmap of SqLite so thzat datetime functions would be soon
integrated ?

Thanks on forward
P-Y Delens, Manager

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