hello to all,

i am new to sqlite. working with it for two month now. but i'm a big fan yet. how i couldn't?

last week i've started to write my own c++ sqlite wrapper class (CSQLiteDatabase). it is working, but i think it isn't very performant yet. so i hope somebody can help me to make it more performant.

the structure of my wrapper is:
#pragma once

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sqlite.h"
#include "sqlresult.h"

class CSQLDatabase

//sqlite objekte
        sqlite *db;
        CString ErrorMessage;
        int rc;
        CString db_file;


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // METHODEN:

//standard constructor/destructor

//verbindungsauf- und abbau
        void setDatabase(CString db_file_string);       //zuweisund der datenbank datei
        bool connect(void);                                                     
//verbindung erstellen
        void close(void);                                                       
//verbindung herstellen

//absetzen eines queries mit:
//                      CSQLResult* query(CString query_string);
//als rückgabe kommt ein zeiger auf ein CSQLResult objekt.
//siehe CSQLResult deklaration.
        CSQLResult* query(CString query_string);

//absetzen eines queries ohne rückgabe von daten:
        bool exec(CString query_string);

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //balast,text,debug,... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public: bool running(void); };


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //sqlresult.h #pragma once

#include "sqlite.h"


[x] sqlite_seek -- Springe auf eine bestimmte Zeilennummer

class CSQLResult

        char    **resultp;                                                      //char 
*[] mit der rückgabe

//indezes / dimensionen
        int             nrow;                                                          
 //anzahl der zeilen
        int             ncol;                                                          
 //anzahl der spalten

int current; //nummer der aktuellen zeile

        bool    atbegin;
        bool    atend;


//standard constructor/destructor
                        CSQLResult(char **pResultp, int pNrow, int pNcolumn);          

//speicher freigeben:
        void    free_result(void);

        int             num_rows(void)                                          
//anzahl der zeilen im
         //query - result.
        { return nrow; }

        int             num_col(void)                                           
//anzahl der spalten im
         //query - result.
        { return ncol; }

        bool    end(void)                                                       
//interner zeiger am ende?
        { return atend; }

        bool    begin(void)                                                     
//interner zeiger am anfang?
        { return atbegin; }

        bool    next(void);                                                     
//navigation vorwärts
        bool    prev(void);                                                     
//navigation rückwärts

bool seek(int row); //springe zu einem bestimmten datensatz

        void    first(void);                                            //navigation 
zum anfang
        void    last(void);                                                     
//navigation zum ende

CString row(CString pColumn); //inhalt der zelle (x|y) =
* CString row(CString pColumn)
* falls pColumn mit keinem spaltennamen übereinstimmt wird "ZERO" zurückgegeben.
* dies dient lediglich zum debuggen. der stift sollte schon die richtigen
* spaltennamen angeben!
CString row(int pColumn); //inhalt der zelle (x|y) =
* CString row(int pColumn)
* falls pColumn einen nicht im spaltenbereich liegt wird "ZERO" zurückgegeben.
* dies dient lediglich zum debuggen. der stift sollte schon die richtigen
* spaltennummern angeben!



to receive data i use the CSQLResult class. this can be used as easy as the php api. and i like it.

but this is not a very good solution, i think. and i read, that using of callback function is much better, but i don't know how. and i hope you excuse me, but i don't know what a callback function should do.

so here is my query methode (see below). it returns a pointer of a result object. the result object gets the resultp from sqlite_get_table(...).
my question is, how to make it more performant with a callback function?

CSQLResult* CSQLDatabase::query(CString query_string)
char *zErrMsg = 0;
char **resultp; /* Result written to a char *[] that this points to */
int nrow; /* Number of result rows written here */
int ncolumn;

        rc =    sqlite_get_table(
 /* An open database */
                        query_string,                                   /* SQL to be 
executed */
                        &resultp,                                           /* Result 
written to a char *[]  that this points to */
                        &nrow,                                                      /* 
Number of result rows written here */
                        &ncolumn,                                           /* Number 
of result columns written here */
                        &zErrMsg                                            /* Error 
msg written here */

if( rc!=SQLITE_OK )
AfxMessageBox("FEHLER: CSQLDatabase::query(CString query_string)");
return NULL;
CSQLResult* result = new CSQLResult(resultp,nrow,ncolumn);
//AfxMessageBox("CSQLResult* result = new CSQLResult(resultp,nrow,ncolumn); YEAHH!!!");
return result;

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