Doing some testing , creating a primary key with the INTEGER defined will not create 
an index but creating a PRIMARY KEY by it self does create an index

Create table z(a PRIMARY KEY, B);
creates an index

Create table z(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, B);
does not

So Yes I would be creating an index on the a column if it is an autonumber(identity ) 
column if I was using this column in joins or where clauses.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michael Hunley 
  To: Greg Obleshchuk 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [inbox] Re: [sqlite] Primary key and index

  At 09:20 AM 2/9/2004 +1100, you wrote:
  >This is from the doc on  the web
  >Specifying a PRIMARY KEY normally just creates a UNIQUE index on the 
  >primary key. However, if primary key is on a single column that has 
  >datatype INTEGER, then that column is used internally as the actual key of 
  >the B-Tree for the table. This means that the column may only hold unique 
  >integer values. (Except for this one case, SQLite ignores the datatype 
  >specification of columns and allows any kind of data to be put in a column 
  >regardless of its declared datatype.) If a table does not have an INTEGER 
  >PRIMARY KEY column, then the B-Tree key will be a automatically generated 
  >integer. The B-Tree key for a row can always be accessed using one of the 
  >special names "ROWID", "OID", or "_ROWID_". This is true regardless of 
  >whether or not there is an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
  >So adding the Primary Key does create an index.
  >you can verfiy this by doing
  >create table a (b primary key,c);
  >select * from sqlite_master;

  So, then, is he seeing a false performance increase if he creates an index 
  on the primary integer key?  If not, and he is seeing a real performance 
  boost, why isn't the index auto created?  I.e. should we all be creating an 
  extra index on our integer primary key tables for performance?


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