Thanks Richard. It works now. Originally I tried using SQLITE_MASTER and it did not 
work so after searching this forum I found some info on SQLITE_TEMP_MASTER and tried 
I figured the reason why SQLITE_MASTER did not work originally is because I opened a 
new handle to the in-memory database and then ran the query using that handle to get 
the table list. I already had the in-memory database open with a different handle. The 
query returns correct results only with the handle I got the first time I opened the 
in-memory database.
Can I open and maintain multiple in-memory databases?

"D. Richard Hipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
v t wrote:
> Hi
> When I execute the following query on a in-memory database, I get no results.
> The query is " SELECT * FROM SQLITE_TEMP_MASTER WHERE type='table'". I

> initialize and create tables before I run the above query. I am also able to
> insert and update records in the tables in the in-memory database.
> My objective is to get a list of all tables in in-memory database. I am able
> to extract the tables list from SQLITE_MASTER though.
> Any ideas what could be going wrong?
> Thanks Vt
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