it seems to me the solution would be: Create a special small file just to protect some disc space. If you lack on disc space, delete the protecting file (and hope nobody will steal the disc space inbetween) and delete some records. Than again create the protecting file. Obviously, in a live system this may fail ...


D. Richard Hipp wrote:

Benoit Gantaume wrote:

I am trying to handle a problem that occurs when the disk is full:
when i try to insert, that return SQLITE_FULL.
There is not problem to get some elements from the database.
Then I try to remove some elements...
But that returns SQLITE_BUSY!
I have tryed to stop all operation with: sqlite_interrupt(this->cdb);
But it seems to have no effect!
How can I free the database so that I can remove some elements from it?

DELETE requires some temporary disk space for the rollback journal.
So if your disk is full, you cannot delete.

Furthermore, just doing some DELETEs does not reduce the size of the
database file.  DELETE just adds some 1024-byte blocks of the file to
an internal freelist where they can be reused later for other purposes.
To actually reduce the size of the database file, you need to run
VACUUM after you DELETE.  VACUUM requires temporary disk space that
is a little over 2x larger than the size of the original database.
So (ironically) if you are low on disk space, VACUUM probably will
not run.

So, as you can see, it is difficult to get SQLite to run when you are
low on disk space.  Your best solution is to get a bigger disk.

A bigger disk drive is the right answer for your desktop, but for
an embedded solution (with perhaps a few MB of flash disk) that is
not practical.  That problem has been brought to my attention and
work is underway to make SQLite behave better in a low diskspace
environment.  Unfortunately, the changes to accomplish this will not
be available in the public version of SQLite for a least 3 more months
and probably longer than that.  Sorry.

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