> I've searched around quite a bit for an answer on this but I haven't
> found anything yet. As far as I understand the following is a valid
> SQL-92 query:

Have you tried it on some other SQL-92 compliant DB and had it work?  I've
never seen "all" used in quite that way before.  Admittedly, I've only used
SQL Server, Oracle, MSDE, Access and now SQLite, so maybe that's just me.

>  sqlite> select model from (select model,price from laptop 
> where hdsize >= all (select l.hdsize from laptop l)) MaxSize 
> where MaxSize.price < 2500;
>  SQL error: near "all": syntax error

If you check out the relevant section of the "SQL as Understood By SQLite",
http://www.sqlite.org/lang.html#select, you'll see that the use of the "all"
keyword is somewhat different from what you've used.

Select  top 1 hdsize
From            laptop
Where           price < 2500
Order by        hdsize desc

-- save value from above query

Select  model
From            laptop
Where           hdsize = savedvalue

Yeah, you could combine those two, but how much time do you want to spend
coming up with a geeky way to do?

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