I am considering using SQLite as the 'file-based' version to the back-end of
one of our products.  I have been doing some testing, and the only way to
allow read and write access at acceptable speeds seems to be to lock the db
file for all the updates, allowing no reads through.  Unfortunately, the
application is GUI-based, and I have to service the read requests in a
reasonable amount of time.  I was experimenting with SQLite's in-memory
database, which is much faster on updating than the db file, but still
suffers from lag on reads. One approach is to use the in-memory database for
updates, and periodically dump the in-memory db to a file, so that reads can
use the current file version (there will be a difference between in-memory
and file, but for the application it's ok).  Is there a fast way to dump the
in-memory db to disk, *and* periodically reload the file into an in-memory


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