Monday, March 22, 2004, 1:46:00 PM, Mark wrote:

>> I have run experiments to see how much faster SQLite might
>> work if it didn't invalidate its cache so quickly.  The
>> answer is about 15%.  So it is probably worth looking into
>> someday. Note that such a change will be backwards but
>> not forwards compatible.  Suppose this change happened
>> for version 2.9.0.  Then a 2.9.0 library would be able
>> to read and write a 2.8.13 database file, but a 2.8.13
>> library would not be able to read and write a 2.9.0
>> database file.  Such a change it not to be made lightly
>> and without careful consideration.

> I don't follow. Why would this cause compatibility issues?

Note that presently (<= 2.8.13), the only mechanism used to coordinate
transactions is the file lock.

> Presumably some benefit could be obtained just by
> not throwing away the cache at the SQLITE_READLOCK to
> SQLITE_UNLOCK transition, but waiting until the next
> If at that time there have been no write transactions
> since the cache was created, it can continue to use
> it, otherwise it would then throw it away.

It has no way of knowing (save diffing the db) that "there have been
no write transactions."


> While I'm making suggestions despite near-total ignorance
> of sqlite :), have you measured what improvement would
> be obtained by using readonly mmap() for readers, rather
> read()? It would save some malloc churning as well as
> a memory copy. Performance could be additionally tweaked
> with madvise(SEQUENTIAL) when suitable.

These functions are not in ANSI C.


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