Here are 2 tables to use in our example:

    t1_value VARCHAR(20)

    t1_fk INTEGER,
    t2_id INTEGER,
    t2_value VARCHAR(20)

t1_pk would be the primary key on your main table (t1), t1_fk would be
foreign key to t1_pk and t1_fk+t2_id (not mathematical addition) would
form a unique identifier for any t2 record.

Since t1_pk is declared as an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY it will always hold
the same value as ROW_ID. So once you have called sqlite_exec() with
your insert statement for t1, call last_insert_rowid() and use that
value as the value for t1_fk when you will do yhe insert in t2.

Hope this can help you a bit, if still not sure about how to proceed,
just mail me back.

Simon B.

On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 00:01, Rob Duncan wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have what is, I think, a very basic SQL question, but I don't seem to 
> be able to find the answer.  I'm almost a complete database novice, so 
> perhaps I have things completely wrong…  I want to insert a row into 
> one table and have it automatically generate a primary key (the other 
> fields in the insert are not going to be unique, only the primary key 
> is sure to be unique).  I then want to add some rows to other tables 
> that refer to the first row with a foreign key.  So my question is, how 
> do I obtain the value of the first row's primary key, and how do I use 
> it as a foreign key in the subsequent inserts?
> The last_insert_rowid() function seems to be close to what I want.  The 
> trouble with it is that as soon as I add a row to the first child table 
> its value will change and I will not be able to use it for any other 
> child inserts.
> Thanks,
> Rob.
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