I agree that compatibility is what counts... 

Felipe Lopes 

Em 12 May 2004, Shawn Anderson escreveu: 

>I agree, I would like to see compatibility with results from other SQL 
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Keith Herold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:38 PM 
>Subject: RE: [sqlite] SQLite version 3 design question: '500'=500? 
>In MS SQL 2000, through the query analyzer 
> SELECT '500' = 500 
>returns 500 . 
> SELECT 500 = '500' 
> Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 
> Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='. 
>Beyond these, I have no preference on whether they are true or false; I am 
>less worried about what the programming languages say as far as PERL, etc. 
>I would rather the return look like the majority vote on what the 'other' 
>SQL engines/manufacturers do. 
>> -----Original Message----- 
>> From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:20 PM 
>> Subject: [sqlite] SQLite version 3 design question: '500'=500? 
>> The development team is making progress on SQLite version 3.0. But 
>> we've run across an interesting puzzle. What should be returned by 
>> this: 
>> SELECT '500'=500; 
>> Is the result "0" or "1"? In other words, what happens when you 
>> compare a number to a string that looks like that number. 
>> Are they equal or not? 
>> Other languages return a mixture of results here. Strings and number 
>> compare equal in AWK, Perl, PHP, Tcl, and SQLite version 2. String 
>> and numbers are not equal in Python and Ruby. 
>> Based on my experience, I would choose to make strings and numbers 
>> equal. But there are complications to that approach in SQLite 3.0. 
>> SQLite 3 supports manifest typing with 4 basic types: NULL, NUMERIC, 
>> TEXT, and BLOB. Objects sort in that order: NULLs first, followed by 
>> NUMERICs in numerical order, then TEXT in a user-defined collating 
>> sequence and finally BLOBs in memcmp() order. So '500' occurs at a 
>> completely different place in the sort order from 500. If comparison 
>> operators are to be consistent with sort order, the following must be 
>> true: 
>> 500 < 600 
>> 600 < '500' 
>> But if that is the case, then clearly, '500' != 500. So unless 
>> somebody can come up with a better idea, SQLite version 3.0 will 
>> return "0" for the following: 
>> SELECT '500'=500; 
>> On the other hand, the following two statements will return "1" (or 
>> true): 
>> SELECT '500'+0=500; 
>> SELECT '500'=(500||''); 
>> Note that in other SQL engines, it is an error to compare a string to 
>> an integer (I think - somebody please correct me if I am wrong) so we 
>> cannot get any guidance there. 
>> Your thoughts? 
>> -- 
>> D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565 
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Felipe Lopes. 

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