On Thu, 6 May 2004, Puneet Kishor wrote:

>Things that SQLite sucks at (if you pardon the expression) compared to
>Access and FMPro -- ALTERing tables is a royal pain in the behind. I am
>constantly in need of ALTERing the tables and queries (views) as I am
>developing the application, and to do this is just... well, not nice.

I assume you have a copy of the source schema in a seperate file. All I do
1 Update source schema.
2 Compile schema into application.
3 Re-init the database using the new schema, having blown away the old

If you have data you want to keep in step 3, write a migration tool to
dump the data only to a text file of inserts (with named columns in the
inserts) and import the data again after the schema is updated. You could
update the SQLite shell to just output inserts in the correct format. All
it would need is an update to the callback() function in shell.c, to
output the column names in the insert. The following patch will do just
that (not extensively tested! Aginst 2.8.13.) Apply in the sqlite
directory with "patch -p1 < patch":

--- sqlite.old/src/shell.c      2004-02-25 02:25:37.000000000 +0000
+++ sqlite/src/shell.c  2004-05-07 16:49:51.000000000 +0100
@@ -387,7 +387,12 @@
     case MODE_Insert: {
       if( azArg==0 ) break;
-      fprintf(p->out,"INSERT INTO %s VALUES(",p->zDestTable);
+      fprintf(p->out,"INSERT INTO %s(",p->zDestTable);
+      for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
+        char *zSep = i>0 ? ",": "";
+        fprintf(p->out, "%s%s",zSep, azCol[i]);
+      }
+      fprintf(p->out,") VALUES(" );
       for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
         char *zSep = i>0 ? ",": "";
         if( azArg[i]==0 ){

Richard, is there a reason why column names earn't listed when outputting
insert statements from the shell? If there is no reason, and noone finds
problems with the above code, could this go into the next release? Or
perhaps make it an option in the sqlite shell.


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