Could the maintainer please configure the list manager to not send us this kind of 
messages? It is a litle boring we should have to know what old users e-mail was on the 
list that are invalid now.

~Nuno Lucas

P.S.- I think my english is a litle bad on this phrase but I couldn't find another way 
to say the same thing.

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Original serder's name:    Bouncer 
Original serder's address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Your Mail has been bounced from the OutPost/1.800eMail Server
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>Original message, less any attachments, follows:
>From: "Nuno Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite performance with mid-size databases
>Date: Wed16 Jun 2004 15:23:8 CST
>This could be related with the grid handling code.
>In another post I already talked about the "SELECT COUNT(*) ..." performance problem, 
>that can only be solved by tuning the code in the grid control itself.
>If the code is generic, it's a strong possibility it isn't optimized for this, and 
>assumes a count of records taking not time at all.
>Another strong possibility is the grid control using a SQLite wraper already slow by 
>I am wondering if there is a possibility of being notified of new/deleted rows 
>without the use of triggers in simple way. What I'm thinking about is in generic 
>database browsers, that want to update their grids if another process changes the 
>database (and a viewer shouldn't create triggers in the database he is watching, only 
>if the user creates one). I know one can register hooks for auth access, but that 
>seems a bit too much and only related to the local process/thread.
>Another use is for "server" applications, to be notified of changes in the database 
>from local clients (so he could invalidate his cache, etc.).
>~Nuno Lucas
>P.S. - I'm very weak on SQL, but I think it isn't possible to create temp triggers. 
>Is this right?
>=== On 2004-06-16, Randall Fox wrote ===
>>On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 23:04:04 -0500, you wrote:
>>>    Hi.  We are using SQLite to store and retrieve data rows where each
>>>row is roughly 2K total in size and in a table of 15 columns.  The total
>>>size of the database ranges from 100-300 MB.
>>>    The problem we are seeing is that query and insert performance is
>>>unusually bad and scales up linearly with database size.  Compared to MS
>>>Access, the query times are several times slower.  Frankly I was a bit
>>>shocked at this considering that most people seem to think the
>>>performance is good. However, I don't see anything that we are doing
>>>wrong...we query the rows we want only by rowid.  I'm very puzzled that
>>>this hasn't come up a lot in my searches of the mailing list, but
>>>perhaps the slower query times aren't a concern for many of the
>>>applications using SQLite.
>>>    Empirically speaking, we display our data in a scrolling 2
>>>dimensional grid format.  With MS access, this grid responds
>>>instantaneously when moving through the grid.  With SQLite, there is
>>>very noticable stalling and lag and the disk i/o is higher than MS
>>>Access by roughly a factor of 10.
>>>    I suppose I am looking to see if anyone is seeing the same results
>>>that I am seeing, and wondering if this is known and expected to be the
>>>case.  The speed results on the website seem way off to me or must be so
>>>skewed towards a small dataset that they do not apply in a real world
>>>scenario.  I would also like to state that I am very impressed with the
>>>simplicity of SQLite, which is rare to find these days.  It was very
>>>easy to get up and running.  I'm just having trouble getting past the
>>>performance issues.  Any explanation would be helpful.
>>>Richard Kuo
>>How do you fill in the grid control?  Is it storing the data, or do
>>you provide the data when requested? (owner data..)  You may need to
>>implement some caching if it isn't implemented already, I know some
>>controls have this set up in them, and it could be that either access
>>is taking advantage of this, or is caching it from w/in the DB
>>Also, did you implement a integer primary key, and use indexing? 
>>Randall Fox

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