It sounds like SQLite 3.0 only supports one text representation per database 
("Internally and in the disk
file, the same text representation is used everywhere.").  Is there a particular 
reason for this
limitation?  What if I want to store one column as UTF8 text and another column as 
UTF16?  Other databases
offer a separate 16-bit "ntext" column type for this purpose.  I could store anything 
with BLOBs, but then
I'd lose the ability to use SORT.

Storing only one type of text data also seems to go against the idea of SQLite's 
"manifest typing" where
"datatype is associated with the data itself, not with its container."  Here the 
datatype of particular
piece of text is associated with not just a column type, but a fixed datatype defined 
for the entire
database. SQLite should store knowledge about the text encoding of each value.  I 
guess there would also
need to be a way to differentiate between 8-bit and 16-bit string literals since 
SQLite doesn't have
column types, and efficiently (without conversion) insert or query for 8-bit and 
16-bit values in a single

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