On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, gohaku wrote:

Hello everyone,
I am currently using SQLite v2.8.11.
I have not had much experience with SQLite other than executing simple
Queries and Updates.

I don't have any problems with SQLite v2.8.11 and as such,
have not upgraded to v3.0.2

I would like to know if v3.0.2 has an improved interpreter.

Below is an example of a sqlite interpreter session:

sqlite> create table test ( tehfield string );
sqlite> drop table test;
sqlite> ^[[A
sqlite>create table test ( thefield string );

Basically, I would like to scrollback through complete SQL statements I have typed/executed.

Does sqlite v3.0.2 include such an interpreter?

even 2.8.11 does - if you compile with readline support.

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| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. | --Dogen

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