----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:02 PM
Subject: [sqlite] How to handle slashes (\) in text columns

> I'm using the TCL binding of SQLITE and was trying to figure out how to
> enter various characters into a text column.  To enter a slash, all I
> normally would do is to append another slash to it.  However, this only
> works fine if the slash is not the last character in the field.  Consider
> the following:
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\')"
> %                            <-- no character
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\\')"
> % \\                         <-- slash did not escape!!
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\\TEST')"
> % \TEST              <-- returns as expected
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('TEST\\')"
> % TEST\\             <-- slash did not escape!!
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\\TEST\\')"
> % \\TEST\\           <-- now not even the first slash was escaped!!
> In short, what I'm asking is how can I insert text with one slash at the
> end?

I'm rather rusty on Tcl, but I think that this is what tcl'ers refer to as
quoting hell.

The short answer is that you need 4 slashes, e.g.
db eval "insert into t1 values('\\\\')"

The reason goes something like this - the first pass of the quoted stuff
expands variables and does the slash escaping which leaves us with 2
slashes. The eval then causes the slash escaping to happen again.

There may be better ways to handle this ?. I did a quick search but didn't
come up with any conclusive. You could ask this question on comp.lang.tcl
and see if they have a cleaner suggestion if no-one else here replies.


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