Yes, i'm fine with the synchronous=YES -> synchronous=FULL.
It's the good choice.
But in my case, i always need synchronous=OFF.
I'm working on an high availability project using the model
of Extended Virtual Synchrony. For the speed of
the distributed system during update/insert, i need
to reduce in all nodes the group transaction time.
If a node failure happens, the recovery procedure will
trash and/or resync databases from valid nodes.
That's why i do not care of local disk sync.
For now, it's running with 2.8 because i was unable to
get the same speed with 3.0 and synchronous off... during
my tests, consequences are lots of busy timeout despite the
same busy handler.
I'm sad because concurrency and btree+ storage in 3.0 seems
nicely improved, a great work as far as i can see.

Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 02:18:14PM -0400: D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> Guillaume Fougnies wrote:
> >
> > PRAGMA default_synchronous disappeared from 3.x. Should we now 
> execute a
> > PRAGMA synchronous each time a db is opened?
> >
> Yes.  The thinking was that there is rarely ever a good
> reason to make a persistent database less than fully synchronous.
> So synchronous=FULL is now the default.  If you want something
> other than synchronous=FULL, you have to define it anew at the
> beginning of each session.
> So tell me: Why do you not want synchronous=FULL?

Guillaume FOUGNIES

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