On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 09:22:06 +0100, you wrote:

>When I've done this in the past I've always handled alternating colours 
>in the web scripting side. You have to loop through all the records to 
>display them from the query, so I maintain a 'current record count'. If 
>it's odd, format the row white, if it's even format the row grey.

Thanks, but server side scripting is not possible.  It needs to be
implemented in html or on the client side..  I am outputting an HTML
file from my app, and since it will be user configurable (users decide
the format of the output), they need to be able to decide when to use
the alternating colors,  and they won't have access to an interpreter
or compiler, except for those in the web browser..  I want to make it
as simple as possible, so I will probably just use a sqlite user
defined function, if that will do the trick..

Thank you for your input though.

Randall Fox

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