On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 09:46:38PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
> While I see this issue now closed, following Richard's explanation of 
> how things actually are working now, I'm curious as to where in the 
> SQL:2003 standard it mentions positional host parameters and '?'; 
> please give a reference; I only saw the named host parameters 
> mentioned in the standard. -- Darren Duncan

ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 (E) DRAFT
4.24 Dynamic SQL concepts

   Many SQL-statements can be written to use parameters (which are
   manifested in static execution of SQL statements as host parameters
   in <SQL procedure statement>s contained in <externally-invoked
   procedure>s in <SQL-client module definition>s or as host variables
   in <embedded SQL statement>s contained in <embedded SQL host
   program>s). In SQL-statements that are executed dynamically, the
   parameters are called dynamic parameters (<dynamic parameter
   specification>s) and are represented in SQL language by a <question
   mark> (?).

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