For a more useful test, please make a second table with 2 fields, like Test but with a second VARCHAR(10) column. Then compare the speed of inserting into that table vs inserting into your first one. After all, if the problem is specific to single-column tables, then we should get rid of all the other differences in what is being compared. Please try that and resubmit the results here. Keep in mind to try both without and with indexes on each field. -- Darren Duncan

At 8:22 AM +0000 9/4/04, George Ionescu wrote:
Hello sqlite users,
Hello Dr. Hipp,

while using sqlite v3.0.6, I've discovered that doing a single INSERT or UPDATE on a table which has only one field is very slow:


the INSERT statement above takes approx. 150 milliseconds to complete, which is very slow compared to Access/ADO, which does the same in 3 milliseconds.

The timings were done on a 2.4 Celeron, 512 RAM, Windows XP.

Is there something I'm missing here or is this the expected behavior? Timings on other operations (SELECT) yielded expected results (e.g. faster than Access/ADO).

Best regards,
George Ionescu

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