I'm wondering what logic I should employ to prevent mutual exclusion

I'm using SQLite to record an audit trail from a web application - I count
the number of edits, searches and the maximum number of concurrent users.
Each user opens a connection to the database for the duration of their

The audit logic is as follows;

   begin transaction
   select total from useractivity where event= .....
   If lRows = 0 Then
       insert into useractivity ......
       update useractivity .....
   End If
   commit transaction

What is happening is that the insertion/update in thread A locks the
database.  Before thread A gets the chance to commit the transaction, thread
B also attempts an update/insertion but fails because the database is
locked.  However, this causes thread A to also be locked out from committing
the change.  I don't have any recovery code in the logic so we're then in a
situation whereby the database is permanently locked for everyone, or until
all the sessions die and each thread closes it's handle.

This can't be right can it ?

Where should I do my busy checking and recovery logic to prevent this mutual


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