At 06:11 PM 9/9/2004, you wrote:
Where in the code did you do that? Was it easy to put in one or two places?
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Joey Blankenship wrote:
Not to respond out of turn here, but we had a need to obfuscate the plain text (due to some users that are a little too curious for their own good) that was stored but did not want the performance burden that encryption/decryption would place on the PocketPC. Prior to writing and subsequent to reading, we just perform a simple mangle of the read/written data. A byte NOT or XOR works pretty well and does not cause an extreme performance hit. Again, no real encryption, but it hides the data from casual viewing.
At 05:34 AM 9/9/2004, you wrote:
Hello sqlite users, Hello Dr. Hipp,
I would like to know if there is a way to encrpyt the data stored in the database but to still be able to use SQL queries with plain text, something like
CREATE TABLE TEST (fld) INSERT INTO Test VALUES ('some string') SELECT * FROM Test WHERE fld = 'some string'
but, when the sqlite database is opened in a file viewer, 'some string' would not be visible but only it's encrypted form.
Regards, George Ionescu