> Fact 3: I've done command ".read q.txt" which contains over 15900 of:
> insert into tmaster values(null,'01.01.2003','12:30','21.11.2004','Probna
> lokacija','232-k-212','Mico Micicevic','Stepe Stepanovica 17, 78000
> Prnjavor','Drasko Ignjatic','Mirko Miric','Biljana
> Jeftic',212132,213213,'Parkirao na nedozvoljeno mjesto na trotoaru','Vozilo
> premjesteno na drugu lokaciju','Bio bezobrazan i prijetio, pokusao da osteti
> lisice','c:\zsike\!pika\proba.jpg','c:\mika\!pika\proba.jpg','mika.jpg','','','','admin','01.01.2003','12:30');
> Fact 4: It took over a 20 minutes to execute this query and te2.db now takes
> about 21,7MB. I've done it twice, to make sure.
> What do I have to do to make this faster? And reading? Please, give me a
> concrete answer with examples if possible...

Use a transaction.

Insert a line at the top of q.txt:


At the end of the file, add the line:


It should be dramatically faster.


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