thank for your response , I tired your suggestion but results where nearly the 
same .
Here is the schema ouput
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE "Mega"("ID" integer,"word" varchar(255));
CREATE TABLE "parole"("ID" integer,"file" varchar(255),"word" varchar
(255),"tag" varchar(255),"lemma" varchar(255),"c1" varchar(255)
,"c2" varchar(255),"c3" varchar(255),"c4" varchar(255),"c5" varchar(255));
create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint);
create index id_idx on mega (id ASC);
create index ididx on parole (id ASC);
create index word_idx on mega (word ASC);
create index wordidx on parole (word ASC);
sqlite> PRAGMA cache_size
   ...> ;
sqlite> PRAGMA store_temp;
sqlite> PRAGMA default_store_temp;
sqlite> PRAGMA default_temp_store;
sqlite> PRAGMA temp_store;
sqlite>PRAGMA synchronous 

Data are like the following
1      #10033   NO      ADV     no
2      #10033   a       PRE     a
3      #10033   privatizzazioni NOM     privatizzazione
4      #10033   e       CON     e
5      #10033   esternalizzazioni       INT     <unknown>
6      #10033   al      PRE     al
7      #10033   Comune  NOM     comune
8      #10033   ,       PON     ,
9      #10033   i       DET     il
10     #10033   contratti       NOM     contratto
11     #10033   a       PRE     a
12     #10033   termine NOM     termine

1    comune
2    paese
3    torino
4    napoli

and so on, nothing special.
Hope this can help.
Thank in advance

> Try:
> select parole.id, mega.id from parole JOIN mega ON mega.word=parole.word;
> Please, post the table schema and some sample data (so we are able to 
> make tests quickly).
> Paolo

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