I've never had to do it before so take this with a grain of salt:

>From what I've seen, storing file data in a relational database is
generally looked upon as a bad idea.  Files aren't exactly relational
and filesystems are specialized for storing large, unrelated blocks of
data, so why not use them?  Sqlite 3.x doesn't have any limit on size
but in most cases you should just reference a filename.

Another thought- searching through a bunch of huge rows to get to your
file data may cause more disk access than searching small rows
containing just the filename and then referencing the file.

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:23:21 +0300, Serge Semashko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm sorry for a probably lame question, I'm new to sqlite and database
> programming. Is it possible to store very large files in sqlite3
> database? Are there any limitations?

Cory Nelson

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