mike cariotoglou wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "D. Richard Hipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 7:10 PM Subject:
> Re: [sqlite] Is this an in-memory database too
>> Yes.  As many different processes as you want can read the database at the
>> same time.  Only one process at a time can write, but since writes usually
>> take a millisecond or less, that is not normally a problem.
> well, this is not actually as true as it should be. true, writes are fast per
> se. however, if you operate at a synchronous level of anything more than 0,
> the whole operation of inserting a record,say, is quite slow, at least in
> windows.

Yes, I was a trifle optimistic with my estimates....

On an operating system with a sensible I/O scheduler (I cannot say
whether or not windows qualifies) it should normally take about
two complete rotations of the disk platter to complete a write.
Obviously a large change would take more than that, but the
common case will usually work in two rotations.

With a 7200RPM disk drive, that translates into about 17ms.

This figure (17ms per transaction) is consistent with measurements
done on my Linux desktop.  See http://www.sqlite.org/speed.html.
Test 1 does 1000 inserts without using a transaction and does so
at a rate of about 77 inserts/second, which is about 13ms per
transaction.  That's actually a little faster than my back-of-
the-envelope calculation above.  Perhaps my disk platter spins
at more than 7200RPM.  Or maybe some updates are happening with
fewer than two complete disk rotations.  Probably my cheap IDE disk
drive is lying to the disk controller by telling it that sectors
have been committed to the disk surface before they really have
been - a common bug in IDE disk drives.  But I digress: The point
is that it isn't too hard to get 50 transactions per second which
means that a process will normally not need to wait more than about
20ms to get read access to the database - assuming the writers
cooperate by not holding locks longer than they really need them.

> PS what does the "D." stand for ?

The "D." stands for my first name. I go by my middle
name, "Richard".  :-)

-- D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565

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