At 2:21 PM -0500 10/9/04, Freeman, Michael wrote:
Well in my discovery, it seems sqlite is just a flat file and cannot be
updated by multiple processes/threads/whatever at the same time. You can
do selects, but not anything that modifies it. My problem was that I was
working in a "threaded" environment where I had multiple threads trying
to do inserts at the same time, and that wasn't working out for me. I'd
like to work on the DBD::Sqlite2 code sometime when I have time to try
and improve its error reporting and extend some of its capabilities.
Look for patches to come. Also, on that note, might as well make a

There is already a DBD for SQLite 3; it is called "DBD::SQLite", with no numerical suffix. The newest release is v1.06, which embeds SQLite 3.0.7. By contrast, DBD::SQLite2 v0.32 embeds SQLite 2.8.15.

I strongly suggest that you focus all new development on SQLite 3 (unless you have a pile of legacy v2 data files) since that's where it will benefit the community (and yourself) best.

-- Darren Duncan

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