Good morning. I just subscribed to the list. 
I've been using Sqlite for an year without problems, but recently I have to face up
quite often with the error "library routine called out of sequence" and it seems I 
can't solve
it definitely. 

I'll explain better:
I'm programming under Linux (I'm not very skilled in Linux) 
and using 2.8.5 library version (july 2003) after downloading 2.8.5.tar.gz file from 
your site.
In practice I produced the library files libsqlite.a,, libsqlite.lai,,,
using the flag THREADSAFE = 1.
My program contains 4 threads all accessing the same database Sqlite, a file called 
composed by many tables.
Every thread updates or makes sql inserts in his own tables, but, as I wrote, all the 
tables belong
to same file MwpCom.sql.
During my first tests I used to share between the 4 threads the pointer returned by  
sqlite_open() ,
to tell the truth I used many sqlite_open() so I shared many pointers, all pointing to 
the same file Sqlite.
I always obtained the error "library routine called out of sequence" while trying to 
access any table.
Later, reading some hints about Sqlite concurrency, I discovered that this way of 
using pointers was wrong, 
so I changed my code in order not to share the pointers anymore (every thread now has 
his own connections,
alias his own sqlite_open()), and things improved immediately. But unfortunately 
sometimes one of the 4 threads,
while attempting to access his tables, gives "library routine called out of sequence".

I don't know what to do. If I restart my program for a while it runs ok, so I think 
the database isn't corrupted,
but first or later, i get the error.  
Can you suggest me something? Should I try with the last release of libraries (2.8.15) 

I hope you can help me.
Thank you in advance.

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