I made a dynamic Win 32 DLL using Visual Studio as the environment out of Sqlite 3.0.8 source code. If you have Visual Studio create a Win32 dynamic 32 dll simple project. Add all the files from Sqlite 3.0.8 to the project except the tclsqlite.c file. Change all the setting on all the files you added from Sqlite 3.0.8 so it does not use a precompiled header. Change the def file name I am sending to the name of the dll project, and add it to the project also. In the Library section of the def file change
"SQLite3_0_8DLL” to the name of the project DLL. That should get you a compiled Win32 DLL.
Any questions you can call me direct if you like. 727 455 4668 Steve
Rubens Jr. wrote:
Hi !
Wich compiler do you recomend to use to compile sqlite3.0.8 in Windows ?
I have used LCC-Win32, but I have to change. The last version are buggy :(
My application has sqlite build in, so I got the source and put it all together, then
I can not use the ready made DLL.
I tried Borland C++ 5.5 (the free version) but it not compile ! It seems tha it
do not suport long long (the source has ifdef BORLAND_C but the
compiler show a lots of erros about __Int64 and so on :(
With DEV-CPP all sources compiles with litle warnings, but do not generate the DLL
(and I do not discovered why yet)
So, what you suggest ?
Rubens Jr.
; SQLite3_0_7DLL.def : Declares the module parameters for the DLL.
LIBRARY "SQLite3_0_8DLL" EXPORTS sqlite3_aggregate_context sqlite3_aggregate_count sqlite3_bind_blob sqlite3_bind_double sqlite3_bind_int sqlite3_bind_int64 sqlite3_bind_null sqlite3_bind_parameter_count sqlite3_bind_parameter_index sqlite3_bind_parameter_name sqlite3_bind_text sqlite3_bind_text16 sqlite3_busy_handler sqlite3_busy_timeout sqlite3_changes sqlite3_close sqlite3_collation_needed sqlite3_collation_needed16 sqlite3_column_blob sqlite3_column_bytes sqlite3_column_bytes16 sqlite3_column_count sqlite3_column_decltype sqlite3_column_decltype16 sqlite3_column_double sqlite3_column_int sqlite3_column_int64 sqlite3_column_name sqlite3_column_name16 sqlite3_column_text sqlite3_column_text16 sqlite3_column_type sqlite3_commit_hook sqlite3_complete sqlite3_complete16 sqlite3_create_collation sqlite3_create_collation16 sqlite3_create_function sqlite3_create_function16 sqlite3_data_count sqlite3_errcode sqlite3_errmsg sqlite3_errmsg16 sqlite3_exec sqlite3_finalize sqlite3_free sqlite3_free_table sqlite3_get_auxdata sqlite3_get_table sqlite3_interrupt sqlite3_last_insert_rowid sqlite3_libversion sqlite3_mprintf sqlite3_open sqlite3_open16 sqlite3_prepare sqlite3_prepare16 sqlite3_progress_handler sqlite3_reset sqlite3_result_blob sqlite3_result_double sqlite3_result_error sqlite3_result_error16 sqlite3_result_int sqlite3_result_int64 sqlite3_result_null sqlite3_result_text sqlite3_result_text16 sqlite3_result_text16be sqlite3_result_text16le sqlite3_result_value sqlite3_set_authorizer sqlite3_set_auxdata sqlite3_snprintf sqlite3_step sqlite3_total_changes sqlite3_trace sqlite3_user_data sqlite3_value_blob sqlite3_value_bytes sqlite3_value_bytes16 sqlite3_value_double sqlite3_value_int sqlite3_value_int64 sqlite3_value_text sqlite3_value_text16 sqlite3_value_text16be sqlite3_value_text16le sqlite3_value_type sqlite3_vmprintf