Radek Hulán wrote:

>>> When I try to execute the same query using sqlitecc.exe it works just fine.
>DRH> This fact suggests that the problem is in PHP or the application program,
>DRH> not in SQLite.
>There can hardly be any problem with sqlite_query($db,$query) application 
>code... Is SQLite in PHP 5.0.2 supposed to run correctly? I'm pretty sure this 
>is not my bug...
>Any success stories using PHP 5.0.2 and SQLite?
>Anyway, will try the same code on a Linux box, maybe it will work better..

There is no problem with PHP sqlite code, the problem must be in your code or
your environment. Are you sure the database is open ? Are you sure it is
writable ? Can your webserver user/group write to the directory of your database

Bertrand Mansion

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