On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 16:24:58 -0500 (EST), Clay Dowling
> Is there a chance that it's related to block size on the disk?
> Traditionally with ISAM systems matching page size to block size was the
> key to good performance.  I seem to recall that NTFS defaults to 4096 byte
> blocks.

I believe it has to do with matching the pagefile block size rather
than the actual disk block size. I believe the pagefile block size has
always been a consistent 4k under all MS operating systems.
Win98 wouldn't be able to use NTFS and is based on FAT or FAT32. I
believe block sizes for those ranged from 1k to 32k, depending on the
size of the drive.

Joel Lucsy
"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space
program." -- Larry Niven

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