Richard Boehme said:
> This is an extreme case -- records would usually be updated every minute
> or so. Usually there might be 10 computers trading information (about
> 100 records every few minutes), for example. I was extrpolating an
> extreme test case where the system is very heavily used.
> In such a situation, we would have some server process which feeds the
> queries to SQLite.

Since I've now also read your inquiries in the Joel On Software forum, I
might be able to answer your questions better, especially since a client
server database won't do.

The correct answer is that you'll need to try it out and see if SQLite can
keep up.  Your application architecture and the nature of the data and
queries is going to have a pretty significant influence on the result.  I
would build a working prototype to prove that the model is good, then try
flooding the system to see how much it can handle.


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