There are no indexes in may tables. Please find the following schemas for my tables. Would it make more sense to convert my datetime columns to microtime?. What other recommendations would you make for these tables?
extn_no varchar(16) default NULL,
username varchar(255) default NULL,
password varchar(255) default NULL,
admin NOT NULL default 'No',
depthead NOT NULL default 'No',
user NOT NULL default 'Yes',
firstname varchar(255) default NULL,
surname varchar(255) default NULL,
job_title varchar(255) default NULL,
user_email varchar(255) default NULL,
deleted NOT NULL default 'No'

CREATE TABLE call_data (
 direction NOT NULL default 'Out',
 group_no varchar(16) default NULL,
 start_no varchar(16) default NULL,
 extn_no varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
 trunk_no varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
 trans NOT NULL default 'No',
 ddi varchar(16) default NULL,
 dest varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
 dest_name varchar(255) default NULL,
 duration varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
 ring_time varchar(5) default NULL,
 call_time datetime default NULL,
 cost decimal(10,2) default NULL,
 band varchar(10) default NULL,
 site_id varchar(10) default NULL

Hi there,

I am have a problem with a query which may well have over 200,000 records.
have building a website using PHP and PHP is timing out after 30secs due
the size of the call_data table (I think). Is there anyway I can improve
following query so that it is faster. I think I am using sqlite 2.8.14

SELECT call_id, C.extn_no AS extn_no, dest, dest_name, call_time,
cost, U.firstname AS firstname, U.surname AS surname FROM call_data as C
LEFT JOIN users as U on C.extn_no = U.extn_no WHERE 1 = '1' AND
julianday(call_time) >= julianday('2004-10-16 09:00:00') AND
julianday(call_time) <= julianday('2004-11-16 17:29:59') AND direction =
'Out' ORDER BY cost desc LIMIT 0,16;

Two things:

1) Why do you have the "1 = '1'" expression?  It's just wasting processor

2) You can do preprocessing of the julian dates, converting the
expressions (like '2004-11-16 17:29:59') into whatever format is stored in
the database, then comparing that directly.  This will allow you to use an
index on call_time.

Be aware, however, that maintaining an index can be time-consuming if you
have many records going in and out.

Right now, it is my guess that every record in the table will have to be
read, in order to apply the juliandate() function.  Thus no index is used,
and every record is read.  This is just an uneducated guess, though -- I
haven't checked the EXPLAIN output.

Ulrik P.

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