> You can already us the IS operator with a right-hand side
> of NULL.  For example:  "x IS NULL" or "x IS NOT NULL".  What
> I am proposing is to expand IS so that the right-hand side
> can be an arbitrary expression.  Like this:  "x IS 5" or
> "x IS NOT y".
> The motivation for this change is so that one can compile
> statements that use "?" as the right-hand side of IS and
> then insert NULL or a value as appropriate.

In the last 5 years coding against SQL Server, I've *never* needed such an
operator.  I've gotten so used to coding SQL statements to properly check
for null before checking for a value that I don't even notice the effort

That said, I like the idea.  There are somethings that would be much easier.
Is there any precedent for it in the SQL-92 standard, or is it something
completely new?

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