
in an attempt to investigate the absolute vs. relative path problem on Cygwin
I've played with a few build possibilities. Interestingly, sqlite now builds
Unix-style on Cygwin, something that failed in the past. This requires the
following definition in Makefile:

TCC = gcc -g -O2 -DOS_UNIX=1 -DOS_WIN=0 -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 -I. -I${TOP}/src

i.e. pretty close to what you'd get on any run-of-the-mill Linux or BSD.
However, trying to open a database fails with the following error message:

Unable to open database "sqlitetest": kernel lacks large file support

I understand that this is a limitation of the underlying Windows OS shining
through, so this isn't exactly surprising.

What surprises me is that it is apparently not possible to switch off large file
support by using this definition, as suggested by os.h:


I still get the same complaint about large file support.

Does anyone know what's going on? Has anyone else attempted to build SQLite
"natively" as a Unix app on Cygwin?


Markus Hoenicka
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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