Thanks for the help, Dennis.  I created a bug with ticket number 1035
for anyone interested in following up on this.



-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Cote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Union queries with sub-select tables with limits
returns no results

Bob Dankert wrote:
> I am trying to union two queries with each query having a sub-select 
> defining the table, but I consistenly get no results if I try to limit

> the sub-query.  Here is my query, assuming the table a and table 
> contain one column filled with integers.
> Select * from (select * from a limit 3) as a;   <-- this returns 3
> results
> Select * from (select * from b limit 3) as b;   <-- this returns 3
> results
> Select * from (select * from a limit 3) as a union select * from 
> (select * from b limit 3) as b; <-- this returns 0 results
> If I get rid of the limits, everything is returned from both tables as

> it should be:
> Select * from (select * from a) as a union select * from (select * 
> from b) as b;
> Unfortunately, I need to limit the results in individual queries which

> are being unioned together.  Since SQLite does not support limiting 
> individual queries in a union, I was hoping to use sub-selects for the

> tables and limit these.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I

> can do for this?
> Thanks,
> Bob Dankert


As a work around you can create temp tables from the two sub-selects and
use a union select to combine them, or create a temp table with the
output of the first sub-select and then insert the result of the second
sub-select into the temp table and then dump that table.

create temp table t1 as select * from a limit 3; create temp table t2 as
select * from b limit 3; select * from t1 union select * from t2;


create temp table u as select * from a limit 3; insert into u select *
from b limit 3; select * from u;

I hope this helps.

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