On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 06:53:15AM -0800, Roger Binns wrote:
> >If concurrent access is by instances of your program only, they can
> >rendezvous via a private table. 
> Yes, but that involves modifying every single code path that could
> update any of the many tables I use to update the private table.

Are you using your Python binding? If yes, maybe you can make the "commit"
action invoke a callback which updates said private table. Every code path
that writes to tables does so within a transaction, no? 

Of course, if your code commits by issuing an SQL statement in place
instead of calling a Python function that wraps said SQL statement, then
you still have to touch every code path.


Ng Pheng Siong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

http://sandbox.rulemaker.net/ngps -+- M2Crypto, ZServerSSL for Zope, Blog
http://www.sqlcrypt.com -+- Database Engine with Transparent AES Encryption

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