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D. Richard Hipp wrote:
| John Richard Moser wrote:
|> I thought sqlite databases weren't supposed to be opened with two sqlite
|> processes at once.  There are unimplemented locking commands due to this
|> right?
| Where did you hear that?

Somewhere I can't find again.  I thought there was a page talking about
compatibility. . . said the thing was compatible with ANSI SQL except
for a few things. . .

Didn't sqlite.org look a whole lot different several months ago?  o.o;

Oh found it.  http://sqlite.org/omitted.html  I must misremember.

However wtf

"ALTER TABLE                To change a table you have to delete it (saving its
contents to a temporary table) and recreate it from scratch."

This isn't good is it?  I'm going to be indexing all files installed by
a package manager . . . I'll be altering large tables quite frequently.

Am I trying to solve a problem that I shouldn't be solving with SQLite?

MySQL seems to take ~6M of memory to run (I couldn't get a good reading,
so I watched my free ram drop when I started it).  It's a 20M install
though isn't it?  SQLite is ~1M installed, and I'm sure I'd use less
memory in an SQLite based program than from MySQL.

| Locking works great (and always has) on both unix and windows.  If
| you are running on something else, then you must be using somebody
| else's port and I cannot speak for them.  But as long as you stick
| with mainstream workstations you should have no problems.
| If the database file sits on an NFS filesystem or a windows shared
| filesystem, then you might have problems

Given.  Try running ReiserFS from an image file on vfat once; it eats
itself.  I'd imagine running *SQL over network would be slow and highly
unstable if there was a disaster.

| due to bugs in the locking
| logic of both those platforms.  If you have a NFS that really works or
| the very latest version of windows (which I've also heard really works)
| then things should go ok.  If the filesystems locking primitives do
| not work correctly, however, you might end up corrupting a database.
| You're safest bet is to not use SQLite on a network filesystem.  If
| you ignore this advice and use a network filesystem anyhow, you
| might be disappointed with the performance due to high latency
| that network filesystems introduce.  Database engines (not just SQLite
| but *all* database engines) really want to talk to a local disk drive.

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