Roger Binns wrote:
As I start the compilation the scrept ./ work fine
and the make will stuck and did not able to run lemon.

Just use the preprocessed source (the zip file).  Although it is
primarily aimed at Windows, it actually works perfectly on all
platforms.  This is how I compile SQLite, making an archive for
static linking:

$ unzip
$ rm tclsqlite.c # Not needed $ gcc -DTHREADSAFE -O3 -c *.c # Adding -DNDEBUG will turn off assertion checking and
# improve performance (about 25%) at the

expense of safety
$ ar r libsqlite3.a *.o
$ ranlib libsqlite3.a


Yes, You are correct, but Please tell me I am compling it
for intel arm processor via arm-linux-gcc.

Do we have some different source code or make file of arm processor ?

I will try your solution, and get back to you with the result.


Regards, and  Have a nice day.

Prachait Saxena

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