Hi! everyone,

I am a newbie as far as Sqlite is concerend. So I just need some help to get things started. I am working on Mandrake Linux 10.0 platform.

I have downloaded the rpm 'sqlite-2.8.15-1.i386.rpm' from the downloads section of www.sqlite.org. I log into my linux system as root and execute the above rpm when the following error pops up :

"Some package requested cannot be installed:
sqlite-2.8.15-1.i386(due to unsatisfied libreadline.so.4)
do you agree?"

You have to install the libreadline package, which is either called libreadline-XXXXX.rpm or readline-XXXX.rpm (fill in the XXXX's). If you can't find it in the package manager, go through the CDs one by one, then, from the command-line (and as root), do:

rpm -uvh readline-XXXX.rpm

(or whatever it is called), with the current directory being in /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake or similar.

Hi, I am facing the similar kind of problem on Encore's Simputer can any one help me to find out the source code of libreadline-so.4 lib. so that i cam complie it for intel arm procesor.

Thanks in advance.


Regards, and  Have a nice day.

Prachait Saxena

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