Thank you very much to all who replied to me. I misunderstood the vacuum
I had problems with my output routine because of the empty spaces. I thought
to solve the problem that way.
I have just solved the problem by using another output routine.
Regards Daniel

> > I have deleted some objects in my database. Now I have objects at id
> > (INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) =1,3,4,5,7,8,9,16,17,20.... .
> > id=2,6,10,.. are empty. I want to defrag the database so that I have
> objects
> > continuously at id=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...
> The first question I'd have to ask is why you want to do that?  If those
> primary keys are referred to by foreign keys in child tables, you'd have
> change all those values as well.  With a large number of child tables,
> seems like more work than it's work.  Any mistakes and you destroy your
> database's referential integrity.
> > Is the vacuum function not the right function?
> I don't believe so.  I think your only recourse is to define another table
> with the same structure, then select all the records from the old one into
> the new one, delete the old one, then do the same back again to the old
> name.  Unless there's some pragma or something that allows one to rename a
> table.

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