On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 19:04:56 -0500, D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

SQLite does not currently support recursive triggers.
On of the main reasons for not supporting recursive
triggers is that disallowing recursive triggers was
seen as the easiest way to avoid infinite loops like

      UPDATE table1 SET cnt=(cnt+1)%100 WHERE rowid=old.rowid;
    UPDATE table1 SET cnt=1 WHERE rowid=1;  -- Infinite loop

By disallowing recursive triggers, SQLite avoids the
infinite loop above.  But there are useful things one
could do with recursive triggers that do not involve
infinite loops.  I would like to relax the constraint
in SQLite and allow some support for recursive triggers
as long as the recursive triggers do not cause an
infinite loop.  But I'm not sure how to do about it?

Question:  What do other RDBMSes do with triggers that
form infinite loops?  Does anybody know?

Question:  Can anybody suggest a way of providing support
for recursive triggers which also guarantees that
every SQL statement will eventually complete?

Question: Is there any progress on this?
I know full and well the evils of recursive triggers and trouble
they can bring but my program logic won't allow for any cases
where a recursive trigger will run into any problems and users
can't insert rows manually to screw stuff up.

Or maybe, is there some way to enable it to simply run recursive
triggers? I don't feel I need any protective code or anything,
right now I have to add a custom function that gets called in my
update triggers which then do an update upward (in a tree) on
records which feels like a bad solution to the problem.

  Peter Bartholdsson

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