Hello all,

First of all, allow me to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I hope it'll be a 
good one for all.

My question is (and I've raised this topic back in September, but didn't get 
back to it since), does anyone have a free/commercial add-on for SQLite v3 to 
perform on-the-fly compression/decompression of data, preferably on a field 
level (compress just one of the fields, not the whole table)?

Thank you,


I had a file size problem so I considered this. My googling didn't turn up any solutions and then, upon further thought, I decided that this probably wouldn't work for most applications. I think the data would have to be compressed on a field basis and in that case, I think you would only get good compression on fairly long fields and then only if you didn't ever want to use those in a query. (I have to assume that decompressing fields in order to find out whether they match a where condition would be deathly slow... I assume that it would cause a lot of problems with indexing as well...)

So, under those conditions, it seems like you could move the compression/decompression out of SQLite and into your program... compress strings before you write them to the database; decompress strings after you're retrieved them.

I may have a need like this. However, the original problem didn't fit this structure (no long strings), so I never pursued this...


People often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause of
the future.

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