Hi all:

I am trying to compile sqlite-2.8.15 on a Solaris 8 machine using
gcc-3.4.1 and tcl-8.4.9. The compile goes cleanly, but when I run
"make test" (with the appropriate LD_LIBRARY_PATH), I get a
segmentation fault in the attach2-3.1. Since the testfixture isn't
compiled with debugging symbols, gdb's backtrace is kind of useless.

The tcl install passed all regressions tests. The same compiler was
used for both builds.

I did have to modify the sqlite configure generated Makefile because the 
ifeq preprocessors weren't being executed. I turned

  ifeq (${INMEMORYDB},0)

  # Only build the in-core DB if it is required.
  ifeq (${INMEMORYDB},1)
  LIBOBJ += btree_rb.lo


  LIBOBJ += btree_rb.lo

since INMEMORYDB = 1.

Also as soon as the segfault occurs, all tests stop running. How do I
disable just one test when running the testsuite? I assume I have to
run the testfixture manually rather then through the Makefile.

So has anybody seen this before on Solaris? Any idea where to start debugging?
Any recipes that "just work for you"?

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.

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